Paris Day Two
Sunday 19th October
Today was an R&R day for us, as my head cold was in full force. I know staying in your hotel room all day on your honeymoon should be romantic, but this was nothing of the sort.

Tissues & stuff
Michael went out to retrieve food for the day - croissants, quiche, pretzels and a baguette. Carb heaven!

Tasty, tasty croissants
And the rest of the day was spent in bed, catching up on blogging, watching a live action Scooby Doo movie in French, then a How I Met Your Mother marathon which was available in English! Its amazing how you take English for granted, especially when the subtitle function on the TV seems to be kaput.
We decided to make our way out for dinner, and went to Au Dernier Métro which is just around the corner.

Part of the wall in Au Dernier Métro

My hamburger

Michael's steak
The food was really good, and portion sizing was nothing to be sneezed at, I managed about half of my burger and fries. We then went for a 15 minute stroll to experience the Eiffel Tower at night. It was amazing, all lit up and sparkling, although you wouldn’t want to be an epileptic.

Eiffel Tower by night
I have to say that we haven’t been as impressed by Paris as we thought we would be. People are rude, more than happy to just walk out in front of you, or refuse to move more than a few centimetres out of the way if you ask them to be able to get through. Cigarette smoke everywhere! And after witnessing a young man urinating casually against a wall, we started noticing other similar stains and wafting odours everywhere we went. Needless to say we were very careful not to step in any puddles….. Its like Hindley Street only not just on a Saturday night, but all of the time, and everywhere. I will say, the weather has been beautiful though.
We have a walking tour tomorrow morning, so Paris, this is your chance to redeem yourself!
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